How to make the most of your mistakes?

Inquisitive Learner
3 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world. Mistakes are part and parcel of being human. Although mistakes are inevitable in life’s journey, repeated mistakes should not be. We must correct them, learn from them and seek the wisdom not to repeat them. When we do, our mistakes becomes lessons and our experiences become avenues where we strengthen ourselves to emerge stronger and wiser.

Don’t Fixate on things you can’t control

It is undeniable that we may feel embarrassed when our blunders are made known to others and with the ‘spotlight’ effect, we may fixate upon the notion that everyone is concern about our problem. Causing us to suffer more in imagination than in reality. Dwelling deeper into your current problem. However, to do so is a mistake itself for the event has already occurred and it is beyond our control to change things in the past. So stop fretting about what you should or could have done yesterday.

Face up to your mistakes

Mistakes admittedly can also hurt our pride and we may be compelled to conceal our shortcomings in order to protect it. But the “truth will sooner come out of error than from confusion.-Francis Bacon”. What we should do is to face up to them instead even when our pride may be hurt.

Fix it sooner rather than later

We should also fix it sooner rather than later for there is no time like the present and the sooner you address the problem, the sooner it goes away. Don’t spend a second more delaying or denying the issue, hoping it will go away. It is akin to an ostrich with its head in the sand, pretending to be unwary of its surroundings even when a lion roams near. The cost of doing so can be disastrous.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash
Photo by Francesco De Tommaso on Unsplash

Forge a learning mindset

What we should do is to use our mistakes as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks. Letting our bad experiences forge better judgements within us so that we don’t make the same mistakes twice. For “one can learn only by seeing one’s mistakes.- C.S Lewis”. Therefore, take time to reflect and find out what is the fundamental root cause of your mistake or better, the mistake of others so that you won’t have to experience the same painful ordeal.

Let us not look back with regrets, nor forward in fear, but around with awareness. -James Thurber

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Inquisitive Learner

Sharing knowledge and ideas that empower people to be the best that they can be☺.